Hario v60 (pour over)

Brewing Kopi Luwak with a Hario V60

Brewing Kopi Luwak with a Hario V60

Note: See more detailed information here.


  • 0.35 ounces of coffee (10 grams) per 6oz cup (177 ml)

  • 6 ounces of water (177 ML)

  • V60 and filter


  • Before you begin, pour hot water through your V60 to heat the appliance and serving cup and to remove any paper taste from the filter. Then empty water from serving cup

  • Boil 6 ounces (177 ml) of water and grind coffee to coarse setting (similar texture to sea salt)

  • Add coffee to V60 and shake lightly to smoothen

  • Saturate the grounds with water right off the boil (about 205°F; 96° C). Use just enough water to cover the grounds. Stir once or twice and wait for 15 seconds

  • Pour water in a slow, even spiral, adding water every 10 – 15 seconds for an even extraction.

  • Wait around three minutes once you have finished pouring water

  • Enjoy your premium Kaya Kopi Luwak!

Brewed Coffee

Brewing Kopi Luwak with an Electric Coffee Machine

Brewing Kopi Luwak with an Electric Coffee Machine


  • 0.35 ounces of coffee (10 grams) per 6oz cup (177 ml)

  • 6 ounces of water (177 ML)

  • Coffee machine


  • Before you begin, pour hot water into coffee pot to heat and then empty out water. This ensures that your coffee does not go through rapid cooling when it enters the pot

  • Grind your coffee to medium grind and place in coffee machine

  • As a rule of thumb, two tablespoons per cup of coffee you want to brew does the trick

  • Allow your machine to do its work

  • Enjoy your premium Kaya Kopi Luwak!

Brewing Kopi Luwak with a French Press

Brewing Kopi Luwak with a French Press

Note: See more detailed information here


  • 1.0 ounce of coffee (30 grams) for two cups

  • 15 to 16 ounces of water (443-473 ML)

  • French Press


  • Grind your coffee to a coarse setting

  • Place beans in French press

  • Boil 16 ounces of water and wait around 2 minutes until water is 203-205° F (95-96° C)

  • Add hot water to French press and stir with plastic or wooden spoon

  • Wait 3 to 4.5 minutes (we recommend 4 minutes)

  • Slowly push the plunger down until it is all the way to the bottom

  • Enjoy your premium Kaya Kopi Luwak!


Brewing Kopi Luwak with an Espresso Machine

Brewing Kopi Luwak with an Espresso Machine


  • 0.7 ounces of coffee (20 grams) for double espresso

  • 2 ounces of water (60 ML)

  • Espresso Machine


  • Before you begin, wash the grouphead with hot water and heat your espresso mug

  • Grind your coffee to a fine setting

  • Place ground beans in the portafilter. Smooth with your finger and use the tamp to compact beans. The force should be firm but not overly so (here is a link to some tamping advice)

  • If done correctly, the espresso should start with a slow drip and become a steady stream in a few seconds. The double shot should take around 30 seconds to finish.

  • Enjoy your premium Kaya Kopi Luwak!